Designing Life From Here…
Potential Squared
The ideal we are all after: a partner who will give and take in equal measure in a determined commitment to mutual self-enhancement. Why do people still seem to consider this a selfish goal for people unhappily sitting on the fence in unsatisfactory relationships? People do their best work, give the best contribution of their talents to the world, when they are listened to, supported and championed by an intimate partner. Once you have found a wonderful mate, how do you maximise and support each other’s potential? Or as one man told me: “the first half of life was building the dream, the second half is living it.”
Where do you go from here? What will you create, separately or together?
“We can awaken in each other possibilities beyond our wildest dreams”
Ethel Person, MD
First things first
Before you redesign life work and purpose, there are the inevitable building blocks to getting (re-)established as a couple in later life. For most, some of the immediate priorities are the most obvious: cities, homes, families, and the question of weddings. After these basics, new couples can become creative powerhouses, whether it’s in entrepreneurship, philanthropy, volunteering or simply social glue; whether it’s together or apart, these re-energised couples are having a big impact on the world around them.
What will you become next?